Theory of Opposites

I have a high comfort level with the grey areas. These are the interstitial spaces, neither here nor there and not easily categorized. Not surprisingly, my work has come to reflect this quality in its constant striving to embody polar qualities. Over time, via practice, I've grown to believe that the more opposite or divergent qualities a piece of work can incorporate, generally speaking, the more compelling it becomes.

In this case, we are not focusing on contrast as a means of delineating or highlighting elements; rather we are focusing on the embrace of contrasting elements as a means of achieving balance, nuance, and complexity in an object or experience.

The key is to keep things natural and avoid overdoing it or forcing things.

Examples of polar qualities include:

Dark + Light
Hard + Soft
Spontaneous + Intentional
Intricate + Monolithic
Subtle + Bold
Simple + Complex
Feminine + Masculine
High + Low
Textured + Smooth
Playful + Grounded
Fast + Slow
Delicate + Brutal